Accelerate Your Path
To Decarbonization
We show you what a low-carbon future
looks like for your company – and give
you the strategic roadmap to get there.
looks like for your company – and give
you the strategic roadmap to get there.
The Carbon Action Platform
What is Carbon Neutrality?
Carbon neutrality is achieved when
a business’ carbon emissions are
completely offset by their efforts to
reduce and remove carbon from the
atmosphere, resulting in a net-zero
carbon footprint.

What are Carbon Credits?
Carbon credits are tradable permits
that allow businesses to offset their
carbon emissions by financing
projects that reduce or remove
carbon from the atmosphere.
How To Go Carbon Neutral?

Identify all relevant data points
for emissions data collection
with our simplified automated
methodology. Save time without
compromising on data accuracy
and transparency.

What is
Carbon Neutrality?
Compare emissions across all
scopes and facilities, identify the
most intensive emissions activity,
obtain industry benchmarks, and
get a complete analysis of your
scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

Disclosure Report
Comply with the latest climate
regulations and disclosure
requirements. From automated
annual GHG emissions reports, ESG
reporting to communication templates
and guidelines, we equip you with all
the tools to make your reporting a smooth process.

Set data-based targets that
align with the industry’s highest
standards. Combining intelligent
software and expert support, we
help you map out the optimum
path to streamline your
decarbonisation journey.

Offset &
Reduction Plan
Receive real-time data and insights
to make informed decisions and
reduce your emissions. Offset your
carbon footprint with third-party
verified impact project financing. Earn
increased ESG performance rating.

Sustainability Strategy
We provide accurate data to
continuously improve your sustainability
strategy and track progress towards
goals. By reducing carbon emissions and
adopting decarbonisation plans, we help
you achieve sustainability goals and
future-proof your business.

Enhance the level of trust with your
stakeholders by leveraging our
prestigious Seal Of SustainabilityTM &
Offset API. TDC Studio will assist you
in crafting genuine impact claims and
commitments that are tailored to your
budget and sustainability journey.
Your Decarbonization Journey Begins Here
Sustainability As A Solution Platform Powered By Technology

End to end solution to
Calculate, Report, Offset
& Communicate Carbon

Offer Carbon Neutral travel
experiences. Become
sustainable Travel and F&B

Calculate, understand &
neutralize the emissions from
your everyday activities!
Transition to a zero waste
lifestyle with our easy tips.